Friday, July 9, 2010

Off She Goes

Princess started traveling overseas at the age of 7, but the idea actually started when she was 4 and I took a trip to London with my mother (whom Princess refers to as "Mimi"). To make her more comfortable with my absence (with which she's had trouble since she was 17 months, and her father left our family home -- she used to think I would leave her, too; poor thing... but that's a whole other story), I showed her maps and told her all about the things I was going to do, and that when I got back, I would show her pictures!

After mom & I returned, she asked, "Mimi, when do I get to go to London?" Thinking nothing of it, mom answered,"I think when you're 7, you'll be ready." My daughter is NOT one to forget anything, much less a promise, so right after her 7th birthday, I started putting the pieces in place to get her passport. Since I have full legal custody, I made sure I didn't need her BD's permission, 'cuz he has a habit of trying to stop her travels (in and outside the US); unsuccessfully, of course. Once her passport was acquired, mom made arrangements for her first trip overseas -- to London; just like mommy!

Mom then wrote an article for I.T.N., explaining some of the legalities of traveling overseas with a grandchild, as well as some of the cool things they did together; she included a couple photos that Princess took (yes, she got proper credit), and a few months after that article was printed, mom was contacted by Sally Wendkos Olds, who was writing a book about things to do with your grandchildren. She interviewed my mom and asked to use info about her & Princess' trip to London in her book (Princess has been published!). Since that trip, Princess has also been to Amsterdam and Costa Rica, and mom continues to submit to I.T.N.

Tomorrow morning, bright & early, my Princess "abandons" me once again... This time, she and her Mimi are off on a two-week adventure in Germany! They, along with other grandparents and grandchildren (who are all around Princess' age) will be exploring castles & old monasteries, taking a boat tour, playing and learning about the Knighthood, and being part of a mystery tour! I will miss her, as I always do, but (as always) she'll have a great time and will have many pictures, stories, and souvenirs (she's hoping to get her Papa a specific item to bring back for his birthday) to share with us when she returns.

Besides, we have a full-on KITCHEN REMODEL to keep us busy while she's gone! Demolition starts July 19th!

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