Thursday, December 4, 2014


Back in June, I removed "Gonzalez" from my last name... legally. Then began the process of changing all my information everywhere else; everything from my credit cards & driver's license, to my rewards cards at local grocery stores. What a serious PITA that is, btw. Anyway, in July, Princess accompanied me to the DMV to get a new driver's license. While we were there, we picked up a Driver's Manual.

The rest of the summer and into the fall, she read through that book. Mid-October, she started taking the practice test at the back of it multiple times, she took the two practice tests on the DMV website multiple times, and she found two other websites with Oregon practice tests and took those multiple times. She asked questions anytime we drove together and she insisted on having us "pop quiz" her.

She was out of town over her birthday weekend, so we didn't get into the DMV until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I called the hotline to make sure I had everything I needed (because, although it's listed on the website, some of what she needed I don't have yet due to the adoption). Guy over the phone was helpful (& we even double-checked with the guy at the help desk inside), but when we got up to the counter, the DMV worker told us we still needed a few things.

She was able to get most of Princess' information into the system (although for her SS#, she had to input her old name for verification, then change it to her new one -- I don't have her new birth certificate yet so I can't get her a new SS card), gave me a list of what else I needed to bring when we came back, and reminded us that testing stops at 4p.

This past Tuesday (December 2nd), I pulled her out of her last class (Freshman Exploration, which is similar to Homeroom, except they occasionally have a paper or project, and it's graded) at 230p. We got up to the DMV around 3p, grabbed a number, and waited our turn. The numbers weren't moving as fast as we needed them to, so I sent Princess up to the "Driver's Test Check In" desk to ask the dude there if there was any way to speed it up; she was only there to test on the computer, no need for Driving test, and half of her info was already in the system... He said, "I don't know, kid; it'll be close." Ugh.

At 350p, the same woman who was so helpful the week before just happened to be the person in charge of moving the line along (making sure people had the paperwork they needed ready to go, etc). So, Princess asked *her* if we were going to make it, and if there was anything *she* could do to move it along? She said, "I remember you two; let me see what I can do."

At 405p, the announcement went up first for "Anyone holding number 410 and below, line up in order of your number." And, then, right after that, "If you're here for testing, the center is closed. You'll have to come back another day." WHAT?!?!?! NOOOOOO!!!! Then, the lovely woman looked at Princess & me, and said quietly, "Follow me." She opened her own counter back up, finished entering Princess' information, took my $5 for the testing fee, gave Princess her form to put into the yellow box at the end of the counter near the testing computers, and said, "Good luck, hon." I almost hugged her...

Princess took her test (I told her not to hurry; I wanted her focused & paying close attention), and by the time she was done, the testing counter was empty; no one there. So, she went to the guy who was at the help desk last week, at his counter. After some teasing about her hoodie (she had a Ducks one on), he took my check for her Permit, told her congrats, and sent her to the photo counter. Another $23.50 for that, and she is a Permitted driver! They give you a temporary one (paper), and her real one will be here within a couple weeks.

Oregon does not require extra insurance for a permitted driver, but they do require 10 hours of driving practice before you can sign them up for Driver's Ed (which, unfortunately, is no longer offered at the high schools). So, it looks like Ace & I have some teaching to do...

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