Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Surgery Update & more

My 1030am Wednesday, Nov 23rd surgery was rescheduled to 11am. When we got there at 1045a, the nurse told me that the doc actually took less time with the other surgery he'd had that morning so I could have come earlier... Regardless, I got Ace settled with my tablet while I filled out some more paperwork, signed some more papers, and was taken back. Since it's a private surgery center & clinic (clinic is on the first floor, surgery on the second floor), there were only five people on staff -- two nurses, the doctor, the anesthesiologist, and the receptionist. The recovery room has two "waiting/guest" chairs and two reclining chairs, which is where they started my IV, I got introduced to "Dr Sleepy" (lol), two nurses asked me the same questions about my history, and Dr F. walked me through the surgery specifics. I walked (assisted, as I was dragging my IV with me) to the surgery room, got settled... and woke up almost 3 hrs later back in the recovery room.
It took a while before I was able to focus on anything, let alone get dressed & walk well enough to get back to the parking lot, so the doc came in a couple times to chit chat, the nurses talked to me a bit, and Ace kept me company while I came out of the anesthesia. We literally didn't get home until after 6p, so I was glad Princess didn't have anything scheduled after school that day. I spent the next few hours on the couch, not really focusing on the t.v., ate half a small container of yogurt, and Ace helped me to bed at 945p (after the nausea got so bad, I actually threw up). He woke me every two hours to take meds (switching off on the different meds), assisted me to the bathroom as needed, and he rested on the couch so as to not disturb my sleep with his possible snoring. The first few days were mostly resting/chillin' on the couch, and sleeping fully clothed in bed on my back (not the most comfortable way to sleep, btw).
Day two was Thanksgiving and I definitely did NOT feel like doing anything related to that, so I had some light fare throughout the day (none of it came back up, thankfully), and Dr. F even called to check on me; giving me his cell phone number in case I needed him over the holiday weekend. I spent most of the day watching t.v., a movie, FaceBooking, and playing Words With Friends... and was in bed by 10p. On day three, I woke up feeling like I got punched in the gut, but the nausea was a lot lighter and I had a bit more of an appetite. T brought my mini-Little to pick up Princess & the food we made for mom's Friday Feast (I had made my fudge Wednesday morning, and Princess made my GB Casserole Thursday night), and Ace & I watched a couple movies. She brought leftovers when T & bigger Little returned her around 6p. I was hungry by then, so she made me a little plate.
Saturday, we watched the Civil War (Oregon State Beavers vs University of Oregon Ducks); Beavers won (happy face; I chose them this year) and the Ducks coach got fired (sad face), and my uterus came in the mail (thanks to my BFF). We also did our traditional Thanksgiving meal (albeit, a bit smaller than is the norm, since there were only three of us). We watched another movie (we've watched a LOT of movies over the last couple weeks, too... thanks, Redbox!), and Princess made lemon bars for me. The two of them did a big chunk of the Santamas decorations, too, since I couldn't help. She also did all the laundry that weekend and this past weekend, which really helped.
By Sunday, I had weaned myself down to two Percocet per day, but was still on the rest of the meds. Hiccups, laughing, and coughing all hurt (similar to when I had my C-section 17+ years ago), deep breaths hurt, one of my five incisions was starting to itch and was bruised, and I needed another sponge bath (I got shaky when upright for too long, but couldn't lift my legs well enough to get into our soaker tub for a bath). Princess was kind enough to use her dry shampoo & brush my hair for me, as well. I got myself out of bed without assistance for the first time on Monday morning, but relied on Princess to make my mocha all the rest of that week. She made sure Ace was up before she left for school, as well, but for the most part, I didn't need as much help. I *did* still require assistance to get up & down (couch, toilet, bed, etc).
Tuesday, I was able to take a full shower. It took longer, and I had to split up the steps, but I did it! What they say is true; you really don't know how good you've got it until it's gone. At the one week mark, I felt well enough to start on Santamas cards (just finished yesterday) & wean down to one Percocet (at night before bed). I also felt ok about being left alone for a while (Ace went out to run a few errands) for the first time since surgery! Thursday & Friday, I redid Princess's nails (gel rebalance on Thursday, color & stamping on Friday) due to (1) her time constraints and (2) my energy & ability to sit for short periods of time. And, Saturday, I felt up for some errands (I wasn't driving, though); as long as he pushed the cart and remembered to walk slower than normal. I totally rested when we got home, too. My goal was to be completely off the Percocet by this day, too, because I had brunch plans Sunday. Mission: Accomplished! Princess & I were able to join my mother at her club for brunch; with only minor discomfort. So far, we've gone out three times over the last few days (gotta space it out, still). This past Monday, I also had it in me to get a few little things done around the house, including wrapping the few gifts I've already bought, another shower (normal amount of time this round), a little baking, and I made the bed without assistance (although that stretching is still uncomfortable).
Today makes the two week mark. I removed my butterfly bandages this morning, and am basically at 90%. I still have trouble with the stretching/reaching, and occasionally get pain twinges, but I'm down to two IB Rx per day and am off everything else. I will definitely be ready to go back to work next week, although that first day, I'm bringing Princess with me so she can carry my work bag up the stairs and help me put up Santamas decorations. I am on a strict "do not lift anything over 20lbs until mid-January" rule; doc's orders! My work bag, with my lamp & stuff in it, is at least 40lbs.

For those interested in the G-fam update, I have a little one -- I saw some pics from their Thanksgiving celebration at Gaston's aunt K's house. Not sure if/when Wildebeest was served with the divorce papers, but it had to have happened by now... so I'm hoping the fact the KC, her oldest daughter (k.c., as well, btw; we'll use lower case letters for her), Gaston, and his two young daughters were all there means Wildebeest is cooperating (I hadn't seen/heard of any co-mingling up until this point). Ooooorrrr, she didn't know until she saw pics (she's "friends" with a few members of the G-fam, so she had to have seen the pics posted on FB, as I did). My hope for that whole brood now is that the divorce comes quickly so that Gaston & KC's wedding date won't have to be moved, and they can all co-parent successfully (as Gaston & I were unable to, due to Wildebeest's interference).